Law is the system of rules and regulations that a society develops in order to govern itself. These laws are created and enforced by a government in order to ensure that everyone adheres to a set of standards, which will keep society peaceful. The precise nature of law is the subject of ongoing debate and many books on the topic have been written.
Law may be created by a group legislature, leading to statutes; by the executive, through decrees and regulations; or through the courts, through common law, case laws and precedents. Private individuals also create legally binding contracts. There are many different branches of law, ranging from the law of criminal procedure, which governs how courts handle trials and appeals, to labour law, which regulates the tripartite relationship between employer, worker and trade union.
The law is a vast and complex area of study, with legal scholars arguing for and against the existence of God, morality and a universal code of ethics. The law has a number of functions, including maintaining order, resolving disputes and protecting liberties and rights. However, determining the purpose of the law is difficult as it can vary between social settings and even from country to country.
Legal systems often have multiple sources of law, with some based on traditional and ancient texts, while others are based on modern, European-influenced legislation. In addition, legal doctrines often have a mixture of secular and religious influences. The law is also a changing area, with the rise of new technologies often prompting legislative changes to keep pace with the technology.
A common theme that runs throughout the various legal theories is a discussion of the extent to which the law incorporates morality. Utilitarian philosopher Jeremy Bentham defined law as “commands, backed by the threat of sanctions, from a sovereign to whom people have a habit of obedience”. By contrast, natural lawyers, such as Jean-Jacques Rousseau, argue that the concept of law is rooted in a moral and unchangeable laws of nature.
There are a variety of other laws that cover a wide range of topics, from the law of tort to the law of contract, taxation and property. Employment law, civil rights and consumer protection are all areas of law that have evolved to address a wide range of social concerns.
The law is a diverse and continually changing field of study, with experts working in areas as varied as international relations, philosophy and computer science. It is an exciting area to work in and a highly respected career path. However, those wishing to pursue a career in law need to have the right personality traits, such as being analytical and logical. In addition, it is necessary to have excellent communication skills in order to be able to explain complex concepts clearly and concisely. Finally, a good understanding of mathematics is also helpful, as this is often used to calculate the value of properties and contracts. These are all skills that can be learned through studying the law at school or through a number of online law courses.